The question that took me years to answer; for a long time and due to different situations, I used to focus my attention and energy on external aspects and not so much on myself. Given my life story; a lot of movement, traveling a lot, living in different countries, etc., I reached the age of twenty-seven without knowing who I was or what I wanted from my life, as well as feeling a deep frustration about the choices I had made in relation to my professional life.
I started studying Coaching without really knowing what I was getting myself into, but with the certainty that I wanted a change and, to make that happen, I needed help. To my surprise, the first question they ask you is: how much of what you do truly honors who you are?Beyond the fact that my answer was: “very little”, what surprised me the most was that I didn't really know who I was.
This is how, with a lot of confusion and sadness, this beautiful and difficult journey of remembering who I am began.It was very hard to face those parts of me that I didn’t want to see or that I didn’t like, but it was the most rewarding experience that I had by far. That’s why today I want to help you to transit this beautiful journey, your own journey. Together, with all these tools that helped me so much, I put my wound sand my experience in service so that you can find yourself too and live your best life aligned with your being.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit ametolil col consectetur adipiscing lectus a nunc mauris scelerisque sed.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit ametolil col consectetur adipiscing lectus a nunc mauris scelerisque sed.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit ametolil col consectetur adipiscing lectus a nunc mauris scelerisque sed.